07 October 2009

Thanks Dan !


There's this guy. He calls himself a Hobo. He's been trying now for 20 years to have the simplest life possible. There's been ups and downs, but now he's pretty much got the Monk thing wired. He is a free man. He does not pursue the accumulation of wealth. He lives in a tiny underground room made of recycled wood. He tends a small garden and uses a push mower, no engine. Deer wander freely though his meadow. Robins hunt and gather worms near his door. And lucky for you, our friendly Hobo has diligently kept an illustrated journal for the past 20 years and publishes them for interested readers. There's tales of cold winters in them and hot summers too. He has traveled far and wide and written and drawn about the many adventures he has had. It's one Big Dream made into a Long Reality. Every few months a new issue is created and mailed out to folks like you around the globe. He says that he will be documenting his life until they scatter his ashes to the wind.... or until he can see the empty page no more. Come aboard and share the wonder, the magic, the all of every thing, on this cruise of a lifetime. -HOBO

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